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☆HaPPY SeulGi

Tired.... * Thursday, November 11, 2010 @ 8:36 AM
I have not been updating my blog at all.
But o well...nth to blog also.>_>
but here's one random thought that i have.
only for students who are currently studying.
You know hor in science exams,etc etc,
they always give you:
Define respiration.
Define blah here blah tat.
Now i know why:
while at Sentosa with my aunt and my cousin(age 5),
My cousin actualli asked my aunt,
mummy,whats fertiliser?
whats photosynthesis?(eh she cant pronounce it right lol)
so now i know why they want us to know!!
why we need to write down defination of such things!
It is to:
So you can quiet them down when they ask you all sorts of defination questions.lol.

kendo? * Wednesday, October 27, 2010 @ 1:45 AM
Long long haven update!
Very busy these days due to post exam activities~_~
way more tiring than exam somemore
tuesday we went science center and for today,we learnt (if im not wrong) kendo leh!(immediately think of katekyo hitman reborn character yamamoto)
WTH TTM,my toe was like hurting like mad when they teaching lor.
On the way to the yishun stadium,
we like sing many kpop song LOL,
somemore I nth to do go wave to the strangers..
i must really be crazy:)....
upon arriving thr, the instructor was teaching using a mic,
but the echo bounce here bounce thr i dunno wat the hell did i listen lor.
so in the end i end up eating...instead..
lol he tell us not anyhow use the sword to hit ppl's butt:p(actually its a sponge-like thing.cannot use real sword ma)
and many many MANY other stuff.
Too lazy to blog everything down.
oh ya,and our class won in the sort of mini competition,
whr ppl got volunteer they want to play.
Somemore got helmet!
but helmet looks super funny,they say very smelly~:x!
*fast forward**
then went back sch and got our report books,
-booklist($$ flyaway)
-travelform(no $$ cant even travel)
oh ya,if your wondering,
the pic got two umbrella,
big one's mine,small one's emi.
Cant believe she has the same one as me(same brand)
Tom,im going emi's house.
Look forward for a new review:)
--so long:)--

Gross picture * Wednesday, October 20, 2010 @ 10:20 AM
I know i blog too much today lol.

heres the super gross picture

RIP the sway bird who kena car accident.aft tat actually got alot of cars zoom past this poor bird.
so ke lian


Eeliz's birthday&overall marks of exam released * @ 10:04 AM

Yo ppls!
Im back:D!
with more photos!
today give out overall marks of exam.
si bei sian.
everybody like score better than me lor>_>
then emi,eeliz etc etc. they go their CCA.
I have to beg like mad for kalai to accompany me to go eat with me lol.
we wait for kalai to do finish her art first lor then we go:)
we went to eat ROTI PRATA:) together with qian hui:)
lol funny lah.we went to the first coffee shop then bo roti prata
so have to go another one.
aft tat go eat sundae ice cream at mac donald:)
note that kalai's roti prata i blanja one hor:)!!
see i so generous!
aft tat we walk all the way home lol
then halfway see something very gross.later i show.
we even see jackfruit tree and chameleon!
lol like learning journey like that sia!
kalai and qian hui they go step onto the grass and explore somemore!LOL LOL LOL!
aft tat go bus-stop then go take bus home kekeke
REady for the super gross picture?

HAHA i show u later lurh.too many photos le!lol i know.its like "empty happiness" kong huan xi.

PICTURES * @ 9:51 AM
Heres the pictures to ystd post:)
cant resize.ps ps~

Blackberry soda~

pic of mie and emi~

i look.so drain of energyT_t.
unlike her lol so GENKI.

2nd picture of her.

bear that she give me:)
i name it kevin lol
due to the u-kiss vid.

**read nxt post for today's**

tom is Eeliz's birthday:D! * Tuesday, October 19, 2010 @ 9:57 AM
All my exam scripts were given out today liao.
I dun wan to reveal it here.
But all my subjects pass:)
except for 1...
i hope my overall will be better lor.tats all for exams.(SAYONARA!) throw them away**
well i realli hope i can enter the class i wan.
i wan biology!!
tom is eeliz birthday:)
so need to buy her present:)!
aft school went to causeway point with emi:)
emi rocks!!she went genting and bought for me very cute hair accessory:)!♥ and a YELLOW bear.
she kept talking about the pants..of the bear...(she pervert wan to pull it down...LOL)
i cant put image here YET.will upload later.blogger disable image uploads for two hours.(sobsob)
so shocked causeway point the whole basement like so empty liddat(maintenance?i guess?)
we went more than words,popular(got JYJ album!i want!:D) and mini bits and mini toons(I bought a ring at minibits!)
again cannot show picture...
aft tat we went to grab a bite at pastamania:)!
both of us ordered creamy chicken.
i added one blackberry soda(nvr try before)
then aft tat when they serve.
emi asked a very interesting question
"Which one is Linguine which one is spaghetti?"
LOL.i din know how to ans.At first its like both of the pasta same like that.
long long thin thin de
so linguine is flat flat de!now i know!HOHOHO
LOL we dunno how to appreciate food.
eat can alrdy ma still need enjoy mehXD?
The blackberry soda rocks to heaven:D!(emi "cope" some of mine~~~~~)
aft tat went library.
i dunno why this library catergorised youths with children lol.
we acted like small kids thr.(JUST FOR FUN)
then there is this globe statue.which can replace the big on in universal studios?
LOL hahaha.
aft tat go home.

Liese Hair Cocktail * Monday, October 18, 2010 @ 3:39 AM
•Liese Hair Cocktail(Light)•

-Today i will be reviewing about liese hair cocktail:)
eh.I dont have the pictures for the results of this product yet but will upload it on this post later on..
-I received this product on my birthday:) and have been using it,so its quite long already.
-I often use it before straightening my hair:)
Good:I like how the nourishing water and anti-frizz oil combines:)
giving it a very beautiful colour.
-The smell is also very nice:)I like it:)

-Its not oily.So I dont have to make my hands oily:)

-It really makes my hair tangle-free and smooth

-One bottle of this hair cocktail can last for quite long(for me,months)
so the price is really worth it:)
Bad:For me,I have really thick hair,so i find the opening of the hair cocktail very small for me and I have to pat the bottom to get more of the serum~:p~
End of review:)
For overall,I rate this product a 4/5 :)

stay tune for more reviews;).

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